- Graphic Design
- Album Cover
- Tour Admat Design / Localize / All size formats
- Photoshop
- Presave Campaign (.30 cents per presave)
- Out Now Campaign
- List of affinity artists to be retargeted on facebook
- Day to Day control of management for artists page
- Ticket Counts / Marketing Dollars / Venue coordination
- Signed to Atlantic Records / had song on the spiderman sound
- Pitching
- El Camino 17m streams
- Editorial playlist in Mint
- Smart targeting
- Shazam during parties at music week
- Motion graphics
- FB / Insta / Stories / Paid Social
Project Info
- Category: Black Caviar
- Client: Black Caviar
- Location: USA
- Branding: Graphic Design
- Spotify: Meta/Insta